Peñíscola signs its Letter of Commitment to Sustainability

Peñíscola City Council is seeking to obtain the Biosphere Certification, applying a sustainability measurement system based on the 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDGs as a tool for continuous improvement.

As part of its commitment to sustainability, on 27 March the Peñíscola Town Council's Tourism Department signed the Letter of Commitment to Sustainability with the Responsible Tourism Institute, by virtue of which it initiated the procedure for obtaining the Biosphere Distinction, a system for measuring the sustainability of the destination in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

In the same way, the council has drawn up a schedule for the implementation of the certification in the destination for the next 2 years, during which, free of charge, all the companies that wish to do so can access all the Biosphere services for the management and recognition of their business sustainability.

Thus, last Monday an information day was held for companies in the sector to train them in the use and operation of this system and methodology, in an event in which to share best practices and explore the first steps on this path towards continuous improvement that the destination as a whole is undertaking, involving all stakeholders.

"The Tourism Department is working on the continuous improvement of the destination. With quality, accessibility and sustainability programmes and actions, we are now initiating this new tourism sustainability project, within the actions of the PST" explained the municipal technician, Belén Miguel.

Communicating in real time the good practices to clients, collaborators and stakeholders, endorsed by the Biosphere seal of guarantee, provides the entity with "a high degree of commitment to intelligent and sustainable tourism, as well as to the commitment of the public administrations themselves".

"Moving towards a more sustainable tourist destination is a commitment of all of us who are part of the sector and therefore the City Council not only assumes its own responsibility to move in this direction but we also want to facilitate companies to join in this way," she said.