SmartPlanet, in conjunction with the Plan 21 Foundation and the Responsible Tourism Institute, gained Triple Tourism Certification

CYD Certified with the Smart Planet Responsible Tourism Certification program in alliance with the Plan21 Foundation and its Zero Carbon program to calculate the carbon footprint and the Responsible Tourism Institute (ITR) with the Biosphere Program. We want to announce that we are proud to be the first to grant a Triple Tourism Certification, and in turn Zero Carbon to 3 of the Rolf Wittmer Tourist Yachts located in the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador.

Rolf Wittmer is an Ecuadorian company founded in 1982 by Captain Rolf Wittmer, a pioneer of tourism in the Galapagos Islands. Which is one of the best positioned companies in the market, owner and operator of the “TIP TOP II” “TIP TOP III” and “TIP TOP” IV certified yachts.

Smart Planet® is a certification program founded by CYD Certified for companies that seek to have an environmental balance in their activities. Which aims to turn the concept of sustainability into something real through its certification and verification processes which guarantee strict compliance with environmental, social, health and occupational safety regulations in public and private institutions that seek to improve the way in which its activity is related to its environment.

The BIOSPHERE © certification is awarded by the Responsible Tourism Institute (ITR), an independent body created in 1995 with the aim of promoting sustainable development actions and programs in tourist destinations and companies.


With the Biosphere program, it achieves a guarantee of an economic, socio-cultural and environmental balance, satisfying current needs of tourists and host regions, reporting significant benefits for the entity itself, society and the environment, and protecting and improving the prospects of future.

On the other hand, the Plan21 foundation is an NGO for Development born in Argentina, which has worked for years for the preservation of natural capital and the improvement of the quality of life of our communities, from the paradigm of Sustainable Human Development, certifies through its Zero Carbon program to calculate and offset the Carbon Footprint.


Zero Carbon preserves natural resources and improves the quality of life of our communities, facilitating participatory processes and promoting the implementation of best public and private practices, within the framework of Sustainable Human Development.

In accordance with the rules of the Smart Planet program, the Plan21 Foundation with Zero Carbon and the Responsible Tourism Institute (RTI) with the Biosphere, Rolf Wittmer meets the standards for the conservation of wildlife, the protection of waters, the welfare of workers and local communities.


Smart Planet promotes the proper management of natural, social, cultural and landscape resources of both public and private institutions that become key actors for change, motivating consumers, marketers and producers to use this type of products and services.

Captain Rolf Wittmer is the first man whose birth on Floreana Island has been historically documented. In November 1969 he began offering formal tourist activities aboard a yacht that he designed and built especially to accommodate 6 passengers: the “TIP TOP I” motor yacht.

Rolf together with his sons founded the company Rolf Wittmer Turismo Galapagos Ltd. and today it is recognized for offering tailor-made and special interest tours of Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.