Why implement a sustainability management system?

By identifying, recording and demonstrating sustainable actions, implementing control processes and monitoring continuous improvement, entities align their day-to-day practices with sustainability principles.

A long-term sustainability management system helps public and private entities to achieve continuous improvement by holistically addressing issues of social, cultural, economic, quality, human rights, environmental, health and safety, innovation, transparency, and crisis management, among other aspects.


What is a Sustainability Management System?

Sustainability management systems, such as the Biosphere Sustainable Platform, help companies and DMOs to establish sustainable policies in alignment with the activities of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and objectives to measure year on year progress towards the goals; a tool not only for the identification and management of the actions already implemented in the organisation, but also for the creation of sustainability plans to embed a culture of sustainability that educates and publicly demonstrates the efforts and good practices applied to internal and external stakeholders.


What does the Biosphere sustainability management and certification system include?

  • Unlimited access to an easy-to-use digital platform for the translation of long-term SDGs into tangible actions and activities
  • Real-time digital software for tracking, measuring and demonstrating sustainability efforts to employees, customers and other stakeholders.
  • Public profile with transparent reporting of the good practices adopted by the organisation, identifying the certification status of the entity and highlighting its sustainable goals, actions and progress to travellers from around the world through the international search engine for sustainable consumption choices www.biospheresustainable.com


Why does sustainability management and certification transparency matter?

Only by knowing the effort behind companies' labels can we increase social responsibility and drive better outcomes for people and the planet. Consumers have a right to know how the activities of companies and destinations affect the issues they care about.

That is why, in the Biosphere system, entity profiles take into account real and verified information on the actions they actually take, in line with the 2030 Agenda. Thus, this system gives value to the real efforts of the entities, independently endorsed, combining them with United Nations indicators, to measure and verify how they progress and comply with the 169 goals and 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.



If you run a business and are looking for an internationally recognised sustainability management and certification system, check out our Biosphere for Business website and find out how to work on your sustainability plan easily and 100% online.

If you are a territory manager or technician and want to make your destination a more sustainable travel option, please check out our Biosphere for Destinations website.