Barcelona Commitment Process

Course for external consultancy in Biosphere processes for companies in Barcelona

500 €
Price: 299 €
 Duration: 40 Hours
 Modality: ONLINE
Language: Spanish
 Tutored: Yes

In this training course, we will go in depth into the nature and methodology used in the Biosphere process of business adhesion, within the framework of the sustainable commitments of Biosphere destinations, including a first preliminary training through the basic terms and concepts in sustainability and its application in the tourism industry.


This course includes exclusive content to learn about the actors involved in the Barcelona Biosphere Destination process, the agents and the phases involved in its programme for the alignment of the province's business network with sustainability, and for the subsequent enhancement and recognition of its good practices with the Biosphere certification.


This training is required if you wish to apply to act as an intermediary in the process of companies joining the Barcelona destination from 2024 onwards.

All those interested in applying for the recruitment process as external consultants for the Barcelona Biosphere Destination's business sustainability commitment programme.

The'course for external consultancy in Biosphere processes for companies in Barcelona' aims to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge about the process of companies joining the sustainable commitment of the Barcelona destination.

Module 1: Understanding the concept of sustainability and its application in tourism

Introduction to the key concepts to understand what sustainability is and what sustainable tourism development is all about.

Module 2: How sustainability alignment is implemented

Discover different ways and tools available to the tourism sector to implement more sustainable models.

Module 3: Biosphere and the Barcelona Biosphere Destination process

Learn about the Biosphere world, the concept of involving the circle of actors in the development of a sustainable culture and how to achieve it in the business network of Barcelona.

Module 4: Final Evaluation

Final evaluation module of the course. It consists of a final test where the knowledge acquired by the student will be validated.

How much time do I have to complete the course?

The course is comprised of 40 teaching hours of online e-learning. It is a flexible course in which the learner has 6 months to complete the content modules. After this period, access to the platform will be restricted.

Will I have a tutor to help me during the course?

Yes, the Biosphere training platform has professionals from the tourism sector, experts in sustainability, who will guide students through the modules, resolving any doubts or difficulties that may arise. Through the Virtual Campus, the student will have a direct communication system with their tutor, favouring a dynamic and continuous exchange between them.

Use of Biosphere logo, branding and materials

Completion of our courses does not entitle trainees to use Biosphere or RTI material, branding, logos or other associated artwork. Without prior approval and express written permission, you may not create content or incorporate any Biosphere or RTI material into your communications. Students are only authorized to use their diploma after obtaining the qualification of their training.

Course for external consultancy in Biosphere processes for companies in Barcelona

If you want to receive more information you can request it by completing the following form:

or contact us by phone

(+34) 902 929 928

Monday to Friday, 9AM to 4PM (GMT +1)