Eleven Lopesan Hotel Group hotels in Gran Canaria obtain the Biosphere sustainability certificate

The achievement of the Biosphere certification by the Lopesan chain is a milestone that is in line with the sustainability policy of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and Turismo de Gran Canaria.

Hotel Lopesan Baobab Resort. Biosphere certification of 11 hotels of the Lopesan group in Gran Canaria.

The eleven hotels that make up the Lopesan Hotel Group portfolio in Gran Canaria have obtained the international certification in sustainability, Biosphere Certified. This recognition endorses the company's sustainable commitments to environmental protection, socio-cultural wellbeing and guarantees the implementation of green policies and transparent governance in each of its establishments.

Among the sustainable actions carried out, it is worth highlighting the implementation of awareness campaigns on energy use, the creation of environmental agreements and alliances, the promotion of innovation and continuous improvement among its employees, as well as the promotion of resilience to climate change.

The Biosphere certification highlights the way in which Lopesan Hotel Group publicises its commitments, good practices and sustainable efforts, sharing its experiences with other entities and collaborating with different institutions and organisations to promote sustainability in the territory. At the same time, this internationally recognised distinction confirms the concern and processes adopted by the Lopesan Group to guarantee the quality of its water systems, making the most of specific facilities with which its hotels manage to reduce and make more efficient the consumption of such an important resource as water.

Obtaining Biosphere certification requires the implementation of good practices framed in each and every one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), seeking a balance between the three ESG areas: environmental, social and governance. Among the work demonstrated by the Lopesan Group, within the framework of this certification for the 17 SDGs of the United Nations, its efforts in SDG 16, focused on promoting just, peaceful and inclusive societies, stand out. In this sense, the Lopesan Group hotels are committed to transparency, sincerity, participation and equity, activating protocols that serve to curb intolerance and abuses inherent to the economic system.

The external audits of the Biosphere certification processes positively reflect the actions implemented by Lopesan Hotel Group to inspire sincerity and participation, such as the promotion of more responsible and participative management systems, the use of indicators to measure quality or the concern for knowing and improving customer satisfaction. In this sense, one of the most outstanding aspects is the use of tools to measure sustainable progress, as well as its commitment to publicise these good practices and efforts to protect the environment.

Gran Canaria, Biosphere Destination in sustainability

Obtaining Biosphere certification for the eleven Lopesan Hotel Group establishments is a milestone in line with the destination's own sustainability project and commitment, promoted by Gran Canaria Tourism, which was ratified last January with the award of the Biosphere Destination certification.

This distinction recognises the efforts made by the island's tourism sector to position itself as a benchmark in the European market as a tourist destination that is committed to more sustainable and responsible models, in line with the 17 SDGs of the United Nations. The Lopesan Group has played a decisive role in this achievement, as this recognition not only highlights the work carried out by public institutions, but also highlights the commitment to sustainability of its business fabric.

Recently, Lopesan Hotel Group has presented the Lopesan for Good seal, a corporate identity project linked to sustainable development, which covers such sensitive areas as governance, social issues and care for the environment. The commitment to renewable energies, through wind farms and photovoltaic farms, has enabled the company to reduce its carbon footprint by more than 60% compared to the previous year.

Another of the strategic points of Lopesan for Good is to promote the consumption of KM 0 products, through the development and promotion of the Finca de Veneguera, in the southwest of Gran Canaria. Fifty percent of the fruit and vegetables consumed by hotel guests in Gran Canaria bear the seal of organic products, supporting a model of sustainable agriculture, in which biological and pesticide-free pest controls have been used.